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Top 6 Most Popular Search Engines

Dean InfotechDean Infotech Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Top 6 Most Popular Search Engines

Although there are numerous search engines dominating the web across the world, internet surfers and search engine optimization company don’t rely on all of them when it comes to fetching information or just looking up for a product or service. Do you know the top 6 search engines that are highly popular and probably the best amongst all other search giants? Well, you may know some of them like Google, Yahoo and Bing but still you might not be aware of all of them. So, here in this article I will tell you about 6 best search engines that are serving millions of search queries per day. For all those who think that none other than Google is well known amongst the people & SEO service providers all over the web, this article is a must read to make them familiar with other options that are worth considering.

How many types of search engines are there?

Typically, SEO service providers tend to classify search engines into three types – Crawler Based Search Engines, Meta Search Engines and Human Powered Directories.

Crawler Based Search Engines are basically the good search engines that can be used in case you want to search about a specific topic and seek relevant information on the web. To be precise, these search engines are meant for specific search queries. However, when you digital marketing providers have generic topics to search, these search engines may come up with thousands of results that include irrelevant responses, basic search requests and extremely lengthy documents where your keywords don’t even seem to appear more than once. Best Examples of Crawler Based Search Engines put forth by our SEO service providers are – Google, AltaVista, AllTheWeb etc. In all these search engines, listings (search results) are automatically displayed using software called web crawlers, spiders or bots.

Meta Search Engines basically work on user supplied keywords. The best thing about these search engines is that they save a lot of time for a search engine optimization company. This is possible because SEO service providers usually search in a single place while excluding the need to use and learn other search engines. Examples are digital marketing providers using Dogpile, Mamma and Metacrawler as Meta search engines. Some additional features and advantages of these search engines include clustering search results and eliminating duplicates while displaying final results.

Human Powered Directories are those search engines that rely on human editors instead of automated software to create their own list of search results. These types of search engines have a completely different style of operations. If you’re still wondering how they work, let me explain this in brief. When webmasters create a short description for any human powered directory for their websites and submit it for review, these human-edited piece of information automatically forms a huge search base of listings. Hence, changes if made to individual webpages won’t affect on the webpages listed in the search results. Best examples of these kinds of search engines are – Yahoo Directory, Open Directory and LookSmart. So, contrary to crawler based search engines human directories are good to use if you have generic topics to search for. In fact, when it comes to searching general topics, using directories can better narrow your search while displaying fine & accurate results. So, to be more precise, these search engines are highly relevant and accurate. Also, they have the ability to efficiently manage search queries and everything else quickly and appropriately.

6 Popular Search Engines Ruling The Web

1. Google – The biggest search engine giant on the web amongst search engine optimization company as well as internet surfers worldwide is no doubt Google. With advancements in its algorithms and rolling out new updates almost every 4th month, Google has gradually evolved itself as the best search engine monster. Holding trillions of data without any hassle in its giant database, it ranks first amongst all other search engines. It is not shocking to know that Google is ruling the mobile search engines as well with a very large marketshare and greatest percentage of search queries typed over the web.

2. Bing – Bing is the second most popular search engine after Google in the area of search. The brainchild behind Bing is Microsoft and this search engine is mostly used by search engine optimization company based in China. Microsoft updated its search engine name from MSN Search to Bing in 2009. Basically, it is touted as a ‘decision engines’ while offering suggestions in the leftmost columns and giving search options on the top of the screen. From ‘wiki suggestions’ to ‘visual search’ and ‘related searches’, Bing gives you a plethora of options when it comes to searching queries on the web.

3.Yahoo – With capabilities not limited to just a typical search engine, Yahoo is more than just a dynamic database that holds information. It can be used as a news aggregator, an email box (Yahoo mail), a travel directory, a game center and a shopping complex.

4. Ask.com  – Ask.com, previously known as Ask Jeeves accounts for 3% of total search queries. It is basically based on a Q&A platform where questions are answered by contributors and asked by people or search engine optimization company in the form of votes or polls. Though this search engine has become quite popular in recent years, the results returned back are still devoid of quality as compared to Google, Bing and Yahoo.

5.AOL.com – AOL.com is also one amongst the popular search engine amongst search engine optimization company across the world. Currently, this search engine holds a market share of around 0.6% and featured by popular websites like engadget.com, techcrunch and huffingtonpost.com

6.DuckDuckGo – Though named funny, this search engines provides a lot of ‘cool’ features to SEO service providers as well as web surfers while showcasing high number of advantages over other search engines. Apart from an extremely clean user-friendly interface & a pretty good tracking system, the best thing about this search engine is that it is not stuffed with too many advertisements and brings a couple of extremely nice features to the table.


So, with these search engine currently dominating the SEO landscape, I believe you’re now aware of the top 6 search engines that are worth giving a try. If you have any questions, you can approach experienced team of search engine optimizer at Dean Infotech.

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