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These are Top 10 Most Powerful Off Page SEO Tools Which Can Boost Your Result

Dean InfotechDean Infotech Monday, July 22, 2019
These are Top 10 Most Powerful Off Page SEO Tools Which Can Boost Your Result

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a term that usually confuses people; although there is no rocket science in it. It simply refers to Website Analysis (On-Page and Off-Page), Link Building and Content Creation. People find these chores a bit hectic sometimes especially while working on Off-Page Activities as it is long term, ongoing and a complex process. In order to help people who find it a monotonous and arduous there are few Off-Page SEO tools for their aid. Below are the names and description of few of the tools:

1. Linkclump- Copying a long list of links one by one from a page could be really tedious. Linkclump is a solution to this problem. It is basically a chrome extension that helps the user to highlight multiple links altogether on a single page which you can copy-paste into a spreadsheet, open in multiple tab or multiple windows so and so forth. 

2. SEOquake- It is one stop solution where you can view page rank, domain age, cache date, social shares and more. Moreover, it works as SERPs hence allowing you to view metrics of every website from a single page. It even highlights nofollow links with a strikethrough option.

3. Buzzstream- It is a paid tool for link building, managing personal relationship and social media. Buzzstream is the ladder that can take your website to the top and bring an overwhelming feeling to you by bringing order to the chaos across the social web.

4. Backlink explorers- There are a number of back link explorer including Ahrefs, MajesticSEO, Open Site Explorer and many more. They all may vary in prices depending on their subscription period. Their main task is to crawl the web and keep an extensive index of backlink data.

5. Talkwalker Alerts- It is kind of Google Alerts which works in a better way. It delivers immediate, daily or weekly alerts for tracking brand mentions, tracking competitor mentions getting new opportunities and much more.

6. SEMRush- It is a paid tool that provides data about online marketing activities of competitors and industry leaders. This data is beneficial for penalty analysis to backlink audits and a lot more.

7. Rapporative- This Ultimate Gmail plugin can be best termed as stalking tool. It is an extremely useful tool for pulling all social media profiles associated with an email address.

8. Screaming Frog - Customization is what everyone wants these days. Screaming Frog allows crawling the entire list of pages using a custom filter to see if there is hyperlink back to said brand’s website or not in the HTML.

9. Internet Archive- After you find out broken links on your website you can use this tool to find out the actual content of the page so that you can recreate it and request other sites to update the broken linking as well.

10. Streak for Gmail- This is an alternative of Buzzstream that allows creating customer relationship management for your inbox. This tool helps you to keep a complete track of whatever you do and give you an add-on of creating notes for the emails for both current and future reference.

Do use these tools and let us know what your after experience was. Leave a comment below if this information helped you in any means.



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