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PHP vs Python: Which One Will Help You Develop Your Goals for 2022?

Dean InfotechDean Infotech Thursday, January 6, 2022
PHP vs Python: Which One Will Help You Develop Your Goals for 2022?

PHP is a well-known and widely used server-side scripting language that is used to develop various kinds of static websites, web applications, and dynamic websites. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. The interesting part is that PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that is PHP installed. One can find support of various PHP development companies which are known to provide amazing services and solutions. Normally, the files containing PHP end with the extension “.php”.


What is Python?


Python is an interpreted, object-oriented high-level programming language that is preferred by many to develop Rapid Application Development. It has high-level built-in data structures and has amazing typing and binding ability. It is also apt as glue language as it helps to connect various existing components. Python is simple, easy to learn that has high readability, hence reducing the overall cost of maintaining the program. Python is designed to support and package program modularity and reusing of various codes.


Python has an increased popularity thanks to the high productivity it provides. There is a compilation step, so the edit-test debug cycle is amazingly fast. Well, unlike other programs, bugs or bad input cause no segmentation fault. Mostly whenever there is an error and an exception is raised. And if the program does not catch an exception, the interpreter prints a stack trace. The debugger is written in Python, hence making it the most sought-after language.


What is a Scripting Language?


We all know that PHP is a scripting language. A script is a set of instructions that are interpreted at the runtime. Most of the scripts are integrated into other software environments. Well, the main function of the script is to enhance and amplify the overall performance and carry out the routine tasks for an application. There are two kinds of scripts-


  • Server-Side Scripts- These are interpreted on the server
  • Client-Side Scripts- These are interpreted by the client application


PHP is a server-side script and is embedded into the HTML pages.


Why PHP is Most Preferred Language?


There are several programming languages available in the market. But among all, PHP is most preferred and used for web programming.

Some of the major reasons have been summarized below-


  • It is easy to learn and handle
  • It is open-source and free
  • Most of the web hosting servers support PHP by default and there is no requirement for additional language thus making it a cost-effective choice.
  • PHP is regularly updated keeping up with the changing trends and advancements in technology
  • PHP is a server-side scripting language, hence it only needs to be installed on the server and client computers and work smoothly with just a web browser.
  • With PHP it is possible to install your application on various operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and more.
  • It is a high market share with most of the websites and applications worldwide being developed using PHP as a scripting language.


 Find Suitable PHP Developers


It is important to find a dedicated team of professionals and experts, who are capable of developing highly customized and dynamic websites by using different PHP frameworks. Various PHP development companies such as Dean Infotech have a dedicated team of hardworking and skilled professionals who can execute PHP applications with complete proficiency and accuracy. The latest and advanced technology is used to deliver customized solutions for businesses and startup, having flexibility and scalability.



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