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How to Optimize Website with Real-Time Google Penguin 4.0

Dean InfotechDean Infotech Tuesday, September 3, 2019
How to Optimize Website with Real-Time Google Penguin 4.0

In September 2016, Google launched much the awaited real time Penguin 4.0 update. Now it’s real time in Google algorithm, that means it’s updating constantly. This update has dramatically changed the way the search engine evaluates the quality of content and penalize website with spammed profiles or content. High-quality links are awarded and the questionable contents or links are devalued. Hiring the best SEO company in India will let you know about the Penguin updates and build SEO strategies accordingly.

What is Penguin?

Over 200 unique signals are used by Google’s algorithm including specific keywords and frequency of content refreshing to the location of website and the page ranking. Penguin is one among such signals that focus on unethical link building process and keyword stuffing based on the SEO efforts done. There are websites that use spam ads, duplicate content, manipulative link building process and other wrong SEO strategies. Penguin is created to punish such websites that are using such unapproved techniques.

What is real-time Penguin?

Real time Penguin update is immediate and it’s a kind of mechanism that helps in detecting the spam websites. Before the Penguin 4.0 update, the websites identified by Penguin used to be penalized till the next update. But as it’s real time now, these websites will be detected and freed on regular basis accordingly without waiting for further updates.

How Penguin update will affect the SEO strategy

Still links are considered during the digital marketing for the ranking decisions but it’s important not to focus on the link building, rather keep your eyes on the content value. Google views the sites with natural link flow. Suppose you have tons of links within a few pages website and there is no mention on social media about the site then according to the latest Penguin update, the site may be suspicious. You need great links, awesome content and best SEO strategies to maximize the marketing efforts. Deaninfotech is a leading name providing best SEO services and digital marketing Service India for the higher ranking of your website on Google and other search engines.

How SEO strategy changed with real-time Google’s Penguin update?

  • Aim to create the websites that leave the audience craving for more

  • Always create value-driven content. Each valid link on the website pushes it a step up for a high ranking

  • Don’t copy the way other websites are doing. Create your own strategies. If your website stands out in the crowd of similar sites, it will lead your website to high ranks.

  • Always post good quality and valued content on the website to build a deeper relation with audience including bloggers and site owners. If no one knows about the amazing and superb quality content then your site visits may suffer.

Penguin 4.0 update is live and changing the things, as long as you will follow the rules, you can expect higher ranking for your website.

Read more: - Should Your Business Have A Website?



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