9 Tips to Speed up the Performance of Magento Website

Dean InfotechDean Infotech Wednesday, August 14, 2019
9 Tips to Speed up the Performance of Magento Website

Magento, being one of the amazing feature-rich platforms available today, is providing support for millions of online stores to grow their sales. Search engine Google mainly focuses on the speed of any website in ranking it on the results page. Speed is not only important for Google ranking but it also plays an important role in driving traffic towards your website. So, ensuring your Magento e-commerce website is performing optimally is highly important. Users don’t like to shop from the websites that perform very slowly or take too much time in loading. So it is mandatory for the online retailers using Magento platform, to enhance performance with speed using the services of Magento Development Company.

Is your Magento slow? Here are some effective ways to improve the performance of your Magento powered website:

  • Always use advanced version: Magento is one of the most sought after platforms of e-commerce and developers that keeps releasing various versions from time to time. Every new version comes with improved features and functionality. So always go with the updated and advanced version to get better speed and optimized performance.

  • Reduce the web page size: Reducing the size of web pages is one of the important techniques that play a significant role in improving speed and performance. Elements included in web page are images, content, tags, javascript, JSS etc. Smaller the size of webpage better is the performance. Avoid using big images as they affect loading time. The standard time that a webpage must take is 2 to 3 seconds.

  • Clear datalogs at a frequent time interval: Another important tip to enhance the speed of your Magento based website is by clearing the database log consistently. Most of the merchants keep unnecessary data and huge database that result in slower speed.

  • Image optimization: More than half of the website’s page is made up of images, when it comes to an ecommerce website. So optimizing the product images can dramatically boost up the speed of page loading as it reduces the downloading time. Compress the image size using Photoshop tool.

  • Minimize the integration of third party tools: Magento is a powerful app and a flexible platform. It facilitates the developers to integrate third part tools easily. Minimizing the number of extensions will boost up the speed.

  • Periodic monitoring of the website speed: Other crucial technique to optimize the loading time is to monitor the speed of website periodically.

  • Redirection must be avoided or minimized: Redirects on any e-commerce website must be avoided or minimized by the retailers to improve the speed of website.

  • Avoid round-trips: The number of round-trip must be minimized by the online retailer to improve the performance of the website.

  • Proper utilization of in-memory technology and caching: Utilizing in-memory technology and caching is an amazing and final technique to reduce the loading time. It avoids unnecessary access to database for the optimal performance.

Hope you have gone through all these crucial tips that will improve the performance and speed of your Magento website. Dean Infotech is a leading Magento Development and ecommerce website designing company dedicated in providing best services to the clients. Contact Dean Infotech to get best Magento development website for your company.



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